It’s not difficult to keep your mouth clean and your breath smell good. Here are some tips to make your breath fresh.

  1. Brushing and flossing

Plaque is the reason of bad breath. Moreover, trapped food is another.

Brush your teeth after having meals, oftenly twice or more a day.

Besides, floss at least once a day. It’s better to combine the two steps, and remember that, do it softly and carefully.

2. Rinse your mouth

A mouthwash is recommended for freshening your breath, it adds extra protection and avoid bacteria. Make sure that the mouthwash you select kills the germs that cause bad breath. Rinse everyday is a good way to minimize the source of bad breath.

It’s also a necessary step to rinse your mouth with plain water of after eating.

3. Scrape your tongue

Smelly bacteria, a source of bad breath because they are coated on your tongue. Gently scrape your toungue to clean them. You can simply use your toothbrush to do it, but you can use the scraper for a better result.

4. Do not eat foods that sour your breath

Some foods like onions and garlic are the reasons. You may think thay brushing them after you eat can solve the problem, but the truth is not.

The substances that cause bad smells can find way to get into your bloodstream and tranvel to your lungs, and result in bad breath when you breath them out.

So, the best way is to avoid them.

5. Do not smoke

Smoking can cause cancer, we all know, but it also damages your gums and teeth, and gives you bad breath.

It’s not good to talk face to face to a friend who smoke, you can smell bad things. It’s better to give up smoke and use some medications to helps freshening the breath.

6. Skip sugar after meals

The bacteria in your mouth love sugar, they use sugar to make acid. So, you should chew sugarless gum instead.

7. Keep your gums healthy

Gum disease can cause bad breath. Bacteria gather in pockets at the base of teeth, and they create odor.

If you have gum disease, you should see a periodonist, who speacilizes in treating it.

8. Moisten your mouth

Without enough saliva, tooth decay and bad breath can come to you. Drink more water if your mouth is dry.

Chew sugarless gum or suck on sugar-free hard candy. Also try a humidifier at night to moisten the air in your house.

9. See a doctor

If your bad breath continues despite your best efforts, make an appointment with your doctor. They’ll check to see if your problems are related to a medical condition.

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